Plant Design

When a new plant is being engineered, it normally involves a water treatment plant. There are numerous possibilities to treat water and an analysis of the various options can be prepared.

This involves all facets of the water treatment system: vessel sizing, number of vessels, selection of type of resin and required volumes; regeneration requirements including the selection of regenerants, their dosage and feed rates.

Regeneration techniques are multiple as well. Resin can be regenerated in place or can be transferred out to a regeneration vessel.

Reduction of regenerant waste and of possible water recycle can be included.

Ion exchange equipment consists generally of a pressure vessel filled with resin. There are many variations for the design of such vessel and its internals. Certain designs are preferable over others.

Vessel diameter and resin bed depth need to be optimized as well.


Plant Trouble-Shooting:

When an existing plant does not provide the expected results, it needs to be trouble-shooted. This involves a complete survey of existing equipment in place and of operating practices. Based on such data it is possible


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