Resin Analyses and Evaluation

Resin Analyses: to determine the condition of the resin.

Does the resin need to be replaced or is it just fouled? And if fouled, what would be the best approach for cleaning.

A standard resin analysis determines the total capacity of the resin, it’s water retention capacity, bead integrity (% broken beads, whole beads and fractured beads). For some resins the swelling from one form to another will be determined also.

Each resin analysis comes with specific recommendations based on the results from the analysis.


Resin Evaluation: For certain applications, resin performance may not be known. Therefore, it is generally wise to evaluate resin performance under conditions representative of the future actual service.

This type of evaluation is done with a pilot column and can be done either on site or in a laboratory. On site testing is generally preferred since it can use the water to be treated as is. For lab evaluation, it would be required to provide enough water to be treated to run a few cycles (exhaustion + regeneration). It is also possible to create a synthetic water based on the water analysis to simulate plant conditions.


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